Thursday, August 28, 2008

We're Open!

Well, we are open all year but have longer hours during the semester:
Monday - Thursday 8am - 9pm
Friday 8am - 4:30pm
Saturday 10am-3pm

Librarians are available 24/7 online to assist you . Just use AskUsNow!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

WELCOME Students & Faculty!

We're putting out our Library welcome mat. We hope you'll stop in to talk to a friendly Librarian about your classes and materials you need.

Faculty are invited to schedule an instruction session by contacting our Instruction Librarians:
Sharon Casey, Dundalk (410) 285-9644
Raymond Wang, Essex (410) 780-6898
Gretchen Wright, Catonsville (410) 455-6971

Thursday, August 7, 2008


CCBC Librarians will provide free 24/7 chat reference with Maryland AskUsNow which uses the expertise of experienced librarians to find the information you need. Look for more information to come.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Online renewal of books is now available!

CCBC students, faculty, and other users can now renew materials online by logging into their library accounts. After logging in, Click on the "Checked Out Items" button, then on the "Renew All" button.